Hi guys!
So, what about YouTube, a mattter which is on everyone's mouth nowadays? First I should say that, luckily, this time I 'm not in front of a completely new too; I watched videos on YouTube many times. However, I must admit I was never concerned with forums which might be opened in YouTube and which contain people's ideas about different videos. Doing the activity we were supposed to, commenting the three videos I realized that YouTube is also an important mean for discussion. I read on wikipedia that in 2006 YouTube was hosting about 6.1. million videos and had about 500.000 user accounts. That's really incredible how an online tool can be shared by a huge number of people, isn't it?
I think that the role of YouTube has increased over the years as it is used for many different purposes, from political propaganda to education, just to mention some of them, and it is not a mere videosharing tool. I 'd rather see it as space where people can express themselves in a freerer way or can show their skills in a particular matter (for example a young boy band). Moreover, YouTube helps people to experiment their abilities in doing videos of every kind. Sometimes the videos may become too exagerated in the sense that too often there are videos concerning young people at school who are abusing of their peers. However, I think that YouTube can be another useful mean for my English language learning. I visited the TeacherTube site and saw that there are some interesting videos on English learning. Unfortunately,as it often happens to me when I'm using YouTube, I could not hear most of the videos because of a buffering problem.
That's it for the moment. Hoping to get more familiar with the matter I'll get you up to date.
That's it for the moment. Hoping to get more familiar with the matter I'll get you up to date.
Hi Monica!
Like you, I was very surprised thinking about how many people use You Tube, it's incredible! I agree with you, when you say that with this tool people can express themselves in a freerer way. However, I think that this advantage that people have to show their skills, could become a disadvantage as well. I'm referring to those people who use You Tube in order to shoot violent scenes of "bullismo".In my opinion, this is a problem which can be avoid by introducing a kind of censor for "the dangerous videos" Do you agree??
Hi Municu,
I quite agree with you when you say that this useful tool is sometimes exploited by idiot people…that’s a pity…but I wouldn’t be repetitive and I tell you what I read on newspapers few days ago: a headmaster of a "instituto superiore" pointed out that while a muslin girl has been running down by a bus, some peers of her were having fun filming the tragic scene…unbelievable…I can’t realise it and above all the fellow girl died…How could we stop this behaviour well-known as "bullismo" in our country???!!!!
bye my friend
Hi Monica!
Yes, I think that YouTube is one of the largest website, it is visited by a big amount of people, it counts a high number of people registered and now we’re part of them! I don’t use too much YouTube, but I think it can be useful for our learning activities; however, we have to pay attention to what we’re searching for, because there are really disgusting and deviating videos: for example, students that destroy their school or boys that do violence on their peers ( Do you remember when, in the TV news, they inform us about three students that beated their disabled schoolmate?) I think it’s terrible, some videos should not appear in YouTube. Are you agree?
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